Extracted and Abridged from Page 51-56 of
Volume 28 of The Burning Bush Weekly Wisdom
– The Theology and Pastoral Wisdom of Rev Dr Timothy Tow

Hebrews 13:7 reads, “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have
spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of
their conversation.” This verse teaches that it is necessary to consider faithful
men who have gone before us, remembering the lives they lived for God and
the words they have taught from Scripture. It must be noted that it is not the
fallible human being we ought to follow after, but rather, we ought to remember
and follow after the God whom they trusted and believed in. This God is none
other than the One Living and True God, Jesus Christ, the Saviour and
Redeemer of the world.

The reason why Christians are exhorted to “remember” our faithful forefathers
is due to the human tendency to forget. It has been a pattern throughout all of
time for God’s people to forget Him and His commands. This we see reflected
in the Nation of Israel. When God extraordinarily delivered the Israelites out
from bondage in Egypt into the wilderness, the Israelites ought to have
remained immensely grateful and loyal to their covenantal LORD. Instead,
while at the foot of Mount Sinai and in the very presence of God, they willingly
chose to worship a golden calf made by their own hands. Despite having seen
with their own eyes, the miraculous and stupendous hand of God in delivering
them from Egyptian slavery, they were so quick to forget His power and
demanded for Aaron to “make us gods, which shall go before us” (Exo. 32:1).
In addition, their disregard for the LORD is seen through their ignorance in
referring to Moses as the “man that brought us up out of the land of
Egypt” (Exo. 32:1), instead of recognising that it was God who brought them
out of Egypt. Thus, we sese that the sinful tendency to forget God is often a
cause for unfaithfulness towards Him.

Furthermore, during the time of the Judges, the Israelites who were supposed to
be God’s separated and chosen people, rebelled against Him by following after
other gods. During that time, the Israelites were described to have done “that
which was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 21:25). The supposed “Chosen Nation”
of God was void of purity and sanctity but full of idolatry and immorality. The
reason for this decline in spirituality and morality was due to their swiftness in
forgetting the law of the Lord.

Also, they quickly turned away from the Lord because they neglected to
follow after the “way which their fathers walked in, obeying the
commandments of the LORD… they did not so.” (Judg. 2:17). This is
why it is so important not to neglect the careful remembrance of our
faithful forefathers in order that our faith remains strong and

It is of no wonder then, that the Children of Israel were commanded to read the
Law of God to their families and young children in order that they may not
forget it (Deut. 6). The commandments of God were to be passed down, taught
diligently unto their children and spoken of in daily life (Deut. 6:7). Lest it be
forgotten, God commanded that His Law was to be greatly feared and held in
highest regard in every household without exception. The Israelites were
required to “Hear” and “observe to do” all that have been taught (Deut. 6:3).
This constant reminder to remember reflects how easy it is to forget God and
His commands. Christians today are not exempted from these commands that
Israel received since the beginning. We must strive our very best to remember
what our forefathers have taught us from Scripture and seek to teach the same
truths to those who come after us.

Singaporeans Ought to Remember

BP Christians in Singapore ought to remember the faith of their founding
father who laboured hard to give them a city of habitation (Psa. 107:7). The BP
movement in Singapore began in 1950 under the hand of Rev Dr Timothy Tow
and grew to become a denomination consisting of 43 churches. Rev Tow began
this movement in Singapore because he felt convicted to take a separatist stand
against the rising tide of Ecumenism and to join in the 20th Century
Reformation. He was also Reformed, Calvinistic and Premillennial in his
teachings. It is paramount that this spirit of separatism again error and standing
for the truthful system of doctrine remains throughout each generation to
prevent it from getting lost. Also, in order to preserve the truth of God’s Word
throughout each generation, it is the responsibility of the present generation of
Christians to teach succeeding generations faithfully. This pattern is taught to
us through the Apostle Paul’s injunction to young Timothy: “And the things
that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to
faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). It is our
human responsibility as believers to faithfully pass down God’s Truth to those
who come after us for their remembrance.

This is why, time and time again, Rev Tow would enjoin young Christians to
answer God’s call to full-time service. When more believers sincerely answer
God’s call to serve Him, the baton of God’s truth can be passed on for, “how
shall they preach, except they be sent?” (Rom. 10:15). Thus, there is a need for
more Christians to take the step of faith and to serve God unconditionally and
wholeheartedly. To those who refuse God’s call because of selfish ambition,
Jeremiah 45:5 reads, “And sleekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them

Though We May Forget, God Never Forgets

Though we see a pattern of forgetfulness amongst God’s people throughout history,
one thing remains a constant contrast – God’s faithfulness. It is interesting to note that
right after we are instructed to “remember” those who have spoken to us God’s Word
in Hebrews 13:7, the promise is given to us in the following verse that Jesus Christ is
the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”. The faithfulness of God shines bright
against man’s unfaithfulness. Though we so often forget to remember and keep God’s
laws, yet, God never fails to keep those who are His own. It is comforting to know
that though we may fail, God never fails. This should cause us to strive towards more
perfection and prove ourselves faithful to Him. We must not forget the Lord and the
Word that has been spoken to us through faithful men of old.

Through the compilation of selected weekly articles written by Rev Timothy Tow, I
have been richly blessed and reminded of the need to remember the sound biblical
teachings of those who have gone before me in the Christian Faith. It is important to
recollect not only the lessons they taught from Scripture, but also the lives they lived
in service to the Lord – one of unconditional surrender and service. This collection of

articles is an attempt to revive the godly writings of Rev Tow so that the good “old-
fashioned” faith of our fathers is not lost completely. Though it has been 11 years
since his passing, “He being dead yet speaketh” (Heb. 11:4) and it is a blessing that
Christians today can still receive the counsel of Rev Tow through his writings. May
God’s Word continue to be glorified through each generation and His name

(Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo and May-Lynn Khoo)

Editor’s Note: The latest volume of The Burning Bush journal was distributed at the 47th
Graduation Service of the Far Eastern Bible College. It was also the Diamond Jubilee of
the College (1962-2022). You are strongly encouraged to read the latest volume of the
theological and pastoral wisdom of the Rev Dr Timothy Tow on the website of the FEBC.