Testimony by sister Sarah Chng

I went for this mission trip with the expectation that it was going to be like any other VBS or children’s camp that we had in church. It was my first mission trip which explained my state of mind. I really had no idea that God was going to use this trip to move my heart so strongly and closely and because of that I want to recount of His goodness and His grace.

I would first like to start off by thanking our ever most loving and divine heaven-ly Father for His providence prior to the trip and during the trip. I never knew how much work there was to do until I actually started preparing for it. To be able to complete it is clearly only possible because of God’s leading and guiding. I had also fallen really sick before the trip, but God was gracious to sustain me during the trip and for granting me the voice to still execute the teachings, games, or craft that I had for the day. In my time there, the Lord had been most kind in blessing me with the most lovely time with the children. He truly taught me so much through the children and through the pastor in that church. It was nothing short of pure joy seeing the children sing so joyfully and happily unto the Lord, and also when I saw those who have laboured so hard for God still look fully contented despite their fatigue. I am thankful that the gospel has been ministered to the children and that they now have a safe roof over their head. Above all, I pray that they will find a safe haven found in God.

Secondly, I am thankful for the theme of the VBS which was “The Life of Paul”. As I was preparing for my lesson, I was very much reminded of how Apostle Paul had truly laboured so hard for the Lord in the spirit of humility. It was a rebuke to me as a Christian and led me to think about how much I have actually done for the Lord. If I were to face the same disappointments and trials like Apostle Paul, would I still be so fervent in spreading His Word? Will I really take up the cross and follow Him? It is with much shame as I reflect upon my life that I have listened to my-self more than the still small voice of God, and have honestly given up so little for Him. I am thankful for this reminder and rebuke the time of reflection that God has given me.

Lastly, I would like to thank God for the sweet fellowship and the many hands that have laboured so hard to make this mission trip possible. I took time out to breathe in all that was around me and am so thankful for the conversations and laughter that we shared. I am even more thankful to be reminded that I am not alone in this world of sin and even as church friends (beyond my age) we ought to carry each other’s burdens.

We went there to bless this community but I can bravely say that they have in-stead blessed me more and I could not be more thankful for that. It has truly been a blessing to serve the Lord in the mission field, in wherever He calls me to go, in whatever He calls me to do. Truly all to the glory of God, only by the grace of God.

(Matthew 28:18-20)

“The Great Commission, which our Lord gave to the Church 2,000 years ago, is an Unfinished Commission. There remains much land to be conquered, and untold millions have yet to hear the Gospel. With the Return of our Saviour looming nearer each day, this Unfinished Commission must be accelerated. This is mandated to us in the Olivet discourse, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24:14). What have you and I done to speed this Unfinished Task?

“Now, the Unfinished Commission is a full-four Commission. Many works in the Name of the Lord by para-church organisations stress one or two points, but it is a full-four Commission. It is:

1) Go! This is the Missions emphasis.
2) Teach (matheteusate), ie, to make disciples. This is the Evangelistic emphasis.
3) Baptise. This is the Church Planting emphasis.
4) Teach (didaskontes). This is the Indoctrination emphasis.

“When we diligently carry out these four points of the Unfinished Commission, we will be attended with divine power and blessed with His holy presence. “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. . . .and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” How often the Great Commission is misquoted, leaving out the all-pervasive power of God in us, around us and behind us to thrust us forward. No wonder the little headway we make in our own strength.”

(Taken from “The Unfinished Commission” by Timothy Tow as published in Forever Infallible and Inerrant by FEBC Press)