Dear Brethren,
Thank God for our Country Singapore
We are thankful to God for blessing and preserving our country with peace and prosperity. Once again we will celebrate our National Day this week on 9 August. We cannot assume each year there is a National day to celebrate. Thank God for His goodness to us here in Singapore. Having been to some poorer countries in this region in my mission trips, I am deeply aware the blessed state we are in. However, we can take things for granted in our land and become a murmuring people. We take basic necessities for granted in Singapore such as water, electricity, education, job, transportation system but it is not so with poorer countries that is greatly deprived of them. The Lord is good to us and may we be grateful to Him always.
Pray for our Government
“I exhort therefore that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority: that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” 1 Timothy 2:1-2. The Bible exhorts us to pray for the leaders of our country. We pray for righteousness and peace to rule our land. We pray for salvation of our leaders. We pray for continued freedom of worship and preaching of the Gospel in our land.
Furthermore in Romans 13:1-5, we are told of 5 reasons why we ought to submit to our government.
Reason 1: God has ordained civil government (v.1)
Reason 2: Resistance to government is rebellion against God (v.2a)
Reason 3: Those who oppose government will receive punishment (v.2b, 4b)
Reason 4: Government serves to restraint evil (v.3)
Reason 5: Government serves to promote and protect the good (v.4a)
The only time that we cannot submit to the government is when they ask us do things against the Word of God. As Christians, let us be good citizens of our country to shine as the light and salt of this world.
Come for the Church Outing 9 August 2012
Each year, our Church organizes an outing on 9 August 2012. This year we will gather at Bishan Park for a time of fellowship and learning from God’s Word. We also use this Church outing to invite our unsaved loved ones to attend and hear the Gospel message. Have you done your part to invite your loved one or friend to attend? Do not miss every opportunity to witness for Christ. Pray for a blessed time and hope to see all of you this Thursday. Thanks to all who organise and plan for the day’s progarmme and food.
Elder John Leong
How Not To Pray — III
Christian Must Not Pray To the Dead
1. Praying to the dead is not for Christians. It is forbidden in the Bible for anyone to call on the dead or to commune with the dead.
To do so is an abomination which God will not leave unpunished.
2. Praying to the dead is seen in pagan ancestor worship after the Chinese tradition. It is also seen in certain churches where prayer are offered to dead persons such as Mary and certain “saints” (both are dead and buried).
3. (Incidentally my Buddhist taxi driver complained that his neighbor paid $750 for a priest to pray 3 hours for his departed father’s soul. Another departed friend’s five children paid $5,000 for the priest to say mass for his soul “in purgatory”).
4. The dead cannot hear, let alone answer.
(Adapted from 66 Pocket Prayers, S H Tow, p 7.)