Dear Brethren,
Gospel Worship Service is Next Sunday 29 September 2013
Next Sunday 29 September is our Church Gospel worship service at 3pm. I wonder if you have done anything for Jesus. You have been given the Gospel handbills to invite your friends and loved ones. What have you done with the handbills? It will be very sad if these handbills are still lying in your house untouched and you have no desire to do anything about it. This Sat 28 Sep morning is our evangelism at Simei MRT to give out the Gospel invitation handbills to invite the passer-by to come to our Church. Will you join in this effort to serve the Lord? It may be your first time or you have not come for a long time but do not let these reasons stop you from coming to serve God and share the Gospel to someone.
The Great Commission – Is it our Great Omission?
Our Church must never forget the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ to go and preach the Gospel (Matt 28:18-20). There is always the tendency to stay in our comfort zone and becomes inward looking. Let us be awakened to the needs of the dying souls of man and reach them with urgency with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only hope of salvation for sinners heading for eternal condemnation in the Lake of Fire.
Many years ago in a trip to Laos, I met an old New Zealand lady who is a medical doctor. She gave up the comfort of her home and family in New Zealand to come to a 3rd world country in Laos with a burden to reach out to the Laotian people. When I worked in Israel in 1990 for 6 months, I remembered an old retired lady from USA who came to live in Israel as she has the burden to share the Gospel to the Jews. Such testimonies of people that I met really encouraged and challenged me to be more zealous for the Lord to preach the Gospel near and far. What are we doing for the dying souls of people around us?
Listen to the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:16 and be challenged to go and preach the Gospel.
For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!
Prayers of God’s Servants for a Burden for the Souls of Men
George Whitefield, the famous English evangelist, prayed, “O Lord, give me souls, or take my soul!”
Henry Martyn, a missionary, prayed as he knelt on India’s coral strands, “Here let me burn out for God.”
David Brainerd, missionary to the North American Indians 1718-1747, prayed, “Lord, to Thee I dedicate myself. Oh, accept of me, and let me be Thine forever. Lord, I desire nothing else; I desire nothing more.”
Dwight L. Moody prayed, “Use me then, my Saviour, for whatever purpose and in whatever way Thou mayest require. Here is my poor heart, an empty vessel; fill it with Thy grace.”
John Mckenzie prayed thus when as a young missionary candidate he knelt on the banks of the Lossie: “O Lord, send me to the darkest spot on the earth!”
‘Praying Hyde,’ a missionary in India, prayed, “Father, give me these souls, or I die.”
Beloved, what is your prayer to God for your unsaved loved ones and friends? Pray like these servants of God for a genuine love for dying souls of men and then go forth with God’s grace and courage to a world of lost sinners to preach the Gospel and invite someone to come for the Gospel worship service next Sunday.
Elder John Leong