Dear Brethren and Friends,

The remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ is the sole reason for Christians to observe Christmas. The world has its own definition of Christmas and you know they have got it wrong by replacing “Christ” with “X” in Christmas. Just because the world has got it wrong does not mean that Christians cannot remember it in a right manner pleasing to God. The Christian understanding of the true meaning of Christmas is directly opposed to a worldly celebration of food and fun, Santa Claus, godless revelry and parties.

The Gospel writers gave us an infallible account of the first advent of Christ. The first coming of Christ was a divine announcement from heaven by the angels.  The Saviour had arrived in the city of David. He is Immanuel, God dwelling among man on earth, born of a virgin Mary. He is the Prince of Peace, the Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father that was spoken of by Isaiah the prophet in Isaiah 7:14; 9:6.

To the humble shepherds watching their flock by night in ancient Palestine, a joyous and significant announcement was made to them and then to all mankind.

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Luke 2:10

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

The announcement by the angels of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ has 3 impacts to the shepherd and us. First it is: Fear Not (Luke 2:10).

In verse 9, there was the emotion of fear when the angels came to the shepherds. This is a natural emotion of fallen man, what Adam and Eve felt when they sinned. The angels said “Fear not” (v 10) because Christ the Saviour was born. There is victory over fear of death and bondage of sin that has plagued sinful and depraved man. Fear is a terror to many especially the fear of death. Our Lord Jesus Christ has come to conquer this dreadful enemy.

The second impact is: Great Joy (Luke 2:10).

The true blessing to mankind is the promise of everlasting joy. This is not empty and superficial laughter but a profound and permanent deep-seated joy from within our hearts because of what Christ has done for us at Calvary’s cross. This is priceless and cannot be traded by any money and possessions. The shepherds rejoiced and went to tell others. They had a strong reason to respond that way. The joy of the Lord was in their hearts.

The third impact is: Peace (Luke 2:14).

We live in a world that is plagued by wars and unrest. Only the Prince of Peace can bring real and lasting peace when He comes again the second time. There is no peace with all of man’s best efforts. Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace, came to redeem and reconcile us back to God, to once again experience the peace of God and the peace with God (Rom 5:1,8). Christ is our only Hope. He is our Saviour and Deliverer from all our woes and sorrows.

The shepherds proclaimed this good news to every one they could find. So, let us do the same today. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). There is no other way. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins and be saved. Our good works and morality can never save us. The shepherds believed and they were praising and glorifying God and proclaiming the good news of salvation. It is our privilege and joy as we go forth in carolling and sharing the Gospel message this Christmas season. Do not forget to bring an unbelieving friend to the Gospel Worship next Sunday 29 Dec. May you have the true Christmas joy and peace in your heart through the Lord Jesus Christ!

Elder John Leong


纪念耶稣基督的诞生是基督徒纪念圣诞的唯一理由。这世界有它对圣诞的定义,而你知道他们错了因为他们在英文字的圣诞里用“X”来取代基督(Christmas 变成 Xmas)。世界错了不代表基督徒不可以用正确,讨神喜悦的方式来纪念圣诞。基督徒理解圣诞的真正意义是和这世界的庆祝方式(圣诞老人、饮酒作乐、狂欢等)完全相反的。

福音书的作者在关于基督第一次降临给了我们个绝对可靠的记载。基督的第一次降临是通过天使从天上来的一个神圣的公告。救主来到了大卫的城。祂是以马内利,神在世上与人同在,是童女马利亚所生。祂是那以赛亚先知在以赛亚书 7:14 和 9:6 里提到的和平的君、奇妙策士、全能的神、永在的父。




天使的公布关于主耶稣基督的消息对牧羊人和我们有三个影响。第一是 :不要惧怕(路加福音2章10节)。







