Testimony by Elder John Leong
Thank God for 9 brethren from our Church (including young Nathan Lim) who went to Kemaman Life B-P Church to conduct the 3-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) from 7 to 9 Dec. We departed on a night coach on 6 Dec. The journey took about 7 hours. Thank God for safety on the road. The VBS theme was The Life of Moses. We taught 5 lessons from God’s Word. Thank God for 40 children who came of whom many are unbelievers. Pray for their salvation.

We held a Gospel Worship Service on Friday night after the VBS. Parents of the VBS children were invited to come to hear the Word of God. In addition, there was a short Gospel message preached by Preacher James Tan on Thursday night before a BBQ gathering for the friends and neighbours of Dr and Mrs Wee. The Lord also blessed us with good weather through-out the VBS although it was supposed to be monsoon season. Thank God for safe journey by night coach back to Singapore on Saturday morning. The Lord is to be praised!

Testimony by Sister Cong Hui
Thank God for His grace and strength throughout the Kemaman VBS, and the many children who came. God graciously provided for all that we needed. Thank God also for our loving mission team. Everyone is important. When I look back at the events of the VBS, I see more clearly the mighty working hands of God sustaining the team. The VBS was made possible only by the grace of God. As I taught the life of Moses, the lessons from God’s Word warmed my heart. They were also an admonishment to me too. God knew me from my mother’s womb and my life is in His hand. I must wait upon the Lord for His will for my life and not rush ahead to do things in my own way and time. God’s timing is perfect. My faith must be in God and not man. Otherwise, I can be easily discouraged by the responses of people. I must remember helped me in the past for this will encourage me to trust Him fully for the future ahead. I must love God and keep His commandments, which are not grievous (1 John 5:3). I must be meek and lowly in heart. I must not take sin lightly as there are consequences to sins. Only one life, till soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.

The Word of God alone has the power to convince and comfort the hearts of children. During the class, the children listened to the messages which had been planned and prepared for them. There were occasions where I was concerned how much of the lessons they could under-stand. Then the Word of God came into my mind, “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God“ (Rom 10:17). It is most needful and urgent to sow the seed of God’s Word to children. Thank God that one nine-year-old boy confessed his faith after he was taught the story of the malefactor on the cross who received eternal life when he confessed his faith in Jesus. There were also others who were not ready to believe in Jesus, but they were willing to come to listen more to God’s Word. May God have mercy on them and save them in His good time.

Thank God also for the good testimony of the Kemaman brethren who served faithfully in the kitchen, and the diligent service of Dr. and Mrs. Wee. They cooked very good food for all in the VBS. During the break, I had some time to talk to the chief cook. She is one of Sunday School teachers in Kemaman. She loves God and the children. She knows her students very well. I am very encouraged by her words and deeds. I went there to teach, yet God blessed me with brethren who taught me their good example in Christ. Their living faith in Christ was an encouragement to me. It is such a privilege to share of my experience of God’s goodness during the Kemaman VBS. God is still doing His wonderful work to save souls. May God raise more people to preach His Word. Praise God for His Word. “In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.” (Psalm 56:10).

Testimony by Sister Shermaine Tan
I am thankful first and foremost for the opportunity to join the mission trip to Kemaman. Having long heard of the work in Kemaman, it was always my desire to meet the labourers there, and witness the work which God has so graciously sustained despite the many difficulties. What I saw puts me very much to shame as I reflect upon my service and love for God, His Word and His kingdom. There were many times where I can be so easily distracted by the world, or take the vast resources for spiritual growth in Singapore for granted. I am thankful for the reminder that complacency and pride must never creep into service. Simply taking a look into the lives of finer examples, of servants that are wholly dedicated to the Lord’s service, I am rebuked that there is so much more I ought to do for God, and how much more I ought to love Him. It is my prayer and desire that I will always stay focused on the labour for God’s kingdom, being mindful of the good teaching found in Romans 12: 1-2.

Apart from learning what it means to be dedicated in service, I am thankful also for the personal lessons I have learnt from the teaching of God’s Word. Indeed, just like Moses who gave excuses in order to shun God’s appointed service for Him in Exodus 3 and 4, I too almost fell prey to my excuses and not rise to the occasion of service when the allocation of duties were given. Teaching and leading activities in Mandarin were difficult tasks, but what came along was beyond what I had expected to do on the mission trip – interpretation for messages. I thank God for the personal reminder to not look to myself in service to the Lord. I must find courage in Christ Jesus and rely on Him fully, for He will grant the grace to serve Him and accomplish what He has called me to do. I am thankful in all humbleness that just as how Moses grew continually in his servanthood, our Lord also moulds me continually in all long-suffering, patient kindness. I pray that there will be less hesitation on my part the next time I am called to serve, that I may have the same heart of service like the prophet Isaiah who despite seeing his own wretchedness, knew the glory of God and answered, “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

Many other lessons to be shared, but pages not sufficient to be filled. Praise God for His goodness upon the mission team throughout the Vacation Bible School, and upon the work in Kemaman B-P Church. May we continue to uphold Kemaman Life Bible-Presbyterian Church in our prayers, for the furtherance of God’s kingdom, as also our reasonable service unto Him. All glory to God alone! Amen.



Parting words from graduated students from Little Ark

By David Khan

I am David Khan. I want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for dying on the Cross to save me from my sins and bring us to heaven to spend eternity with Him.

I was invited to Tabernacle BP Church at the age of 10 to attend the VBS. I thought it was a play event at first but then I saw Bible Study in the timetable. During the VBS, I pondered over this and wanted to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. After the VBS, I was invited to the church service, so I went there and listen to the message. After the worship service, my brother, sister and I were called by aunty Dorcas to go into a room. She asked us if we wanted to be a Christian and we told her we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. So we confessed our sins and asked Jesus to be our personal Saviour. We then attended a class called Little Ark. I learned a lot in the class and I thank my teachers at the Little Ark for their kind support and guidance. Now Tabernacle BP Church is part of my life. They also pray for me to read the Bible. As of today, the Bible is also part of my life. I hope to apply lessons I have learnt from God’s Word. I will remember this Bible verse taken from Titus 2:13, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ”.

By Ethan Lai
While I was in the Little Ark, I have learnt many things from biblical knowledge, to things that I must apply in my everyday life to glorify God. I feel that my days in Little Ark were very meaningful. The lessons taught and the worksheets helped. I also had good fellowship with my friends including those who have already joined Ebenezer. In 2017, I will be posted to a new secondary school. I hope that God will use me to bring others to believe in Him. In 2017, I will be joining the Discipleship Class I hope that I will learn many things again. Even if there are many ups and downs in life, I know that God will lead me through.