Upon arrival in England, we made our way to George Müller House in Bristol. Currently, it is the office of the Muller’s Foundation, and houses a museum containing numerous artifacts and documents pertaining to the life of George Müller.

Müller was riotous and rebellious as a child. His father often had to bail him out of prison. Even the death of his mother could not cause him to change his ways. On one occasion, Müller forged documents with three of his friends to go on a vacation to Switzerland. He somehow convinced his friends to let him be in charge of their money, but spent only two-thirds of the money while pocketing the rest through devious means. Such was Müller’s character that he would not bat an eyelid even in swindling his closest friends.

However, his trip to Switzerland was a life-changing experience for him. One night in November, he was invited to attend a prayer and Bible fellowship with his friend Beta. He was somehow compelled to go though he had no interest in such meetings usually. During the meeting, the singing of hymns, the reading of Scripture and the printed sermon touched the inner recesses of his heart. After the meeting, Müller told Beta, “Everything we have seen on our journey to Switzerland and all of our former pleasures are nothing in comparison with this evening.” He continued to attend more meetings. Finally, he repented from his sins and accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour.

Müller was soon moved to be a missionary for the Lord. However, opposition came from his father who wanted a comfortable life in the ministry for his son. Müller decided to stop accepting money from his father but depended wholly on God for his needs. The Lord answered his prayers when a lecturer approached him to teach four American students to read and write in German. This convinced Müller of the provision of God, and the power of prayer that is made in God’s will. 

In the following years, Müller was moved to minister to the abandoned orphans on the streets of Bristol. These orphans had little food and shelter, and often perished from the attacks of the elements. With much prayer, Müller set up the first orphanage in Wilson Street. He would later open five more houses in another area in Ashley Down.

When Müller started the orphanages, his chief objective was not to provide welfare for the children. Rather, he wanted others to see how God will provide for all needs when His children approach him by faith in prayer without asking or approaching anyone. Throughout Müller’s ministry for the Lord, he never took up loans nor went into debt. The LORD provided for every need.

According to Pierson, Müller abided by five biblical principles in his prayers:

1. Entire dependence upon the merits and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the only ground of any claim for blessing (see John 14:13-14; 15:16)
2. Separation from all known sin. If we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us, for it would be sanctioning sin (Ps. 66:18)
3. Faith in God’s Word of promise as confirmed by his oath. Not to believe him is to make him both a liar and perjurer (Heb. 6:13-20; 11:6).
4. Asking in accordance with his will. Our motives must be godly: we must not seek any gift of God to consume it upon our own lusts (1 John 5:13-15; James 4:3).
5. Importunity in supplication. There must be waiting on God and waiting for God, as the husbandman has long patience to wait for the harvest (James 5:7; Luke 18:1-8).

What a far cry from the prayers by churches which preach the “health and wealth” gospel!

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Müller was a true embodiment of this verse. What about us?

Lovingly in Christ,
Preacher Clement Chew