Ebenezer Youth Camp 2022 Report
By Brother Daniel Lai
Thank God that we could have an in-person youth camp this year from 15-18 June
2022. Previously, we had our camp held on Zoom. We give thanks to the Lord for the
provision of Goldhill Plaza and Holy Grace Presbyterian Church where we could hold
our camp. Preacher Cornelius Koshy spoke on the topic, “Is my Salvation Real?”, and
our camp theme verse was from 2 Corinthians 13:5. Our workshop speaker, Preacher
Joshua Yong, spoke on the issue of Boy-Girl Relationships (BGR). The Camp
Committee comprised of Brothers Daniel, Gideon, Sisters Esther, Rachel, and Sarah.
The desire of the camp committee was for each camper to reflect on their walk with
the Lord, to be sure of our salvation and to not take it for granted. Apart from the
thematic messages and the BGR workshop, we also thank God that we could have a
time of games and outing. We have been richly blessed in our fellowship with one
another and we thank God for that. Thank God for His enabling for each and every
one of us, for without Him we can truly do nothing.
We thank God that we could have a total of seven thematic messages, with the last
being held at Holy Grace Presbyterian Church. We thank God that we could learn
many spiritual truths from God’s Word through the messages we had. Thanks be unto
God that we could have a few newcomers to Youth Camp, including Jerry, Chloe
Chan, Rachel Loh, and Adrienne. In total, we had 16 full-time campers and 13 part-
time campers who joined us. Many younger brethren were also serving for the first
time in various areas during the camp. We give thanks that God has enabled them to
serve Him, and we pray that the Lord will strengthen them in their service for Him.
Thank God for the opportunities for us that we may show brotherly love one to
another; may we continue to consider one another to provoke unto love and good
works (Hebrews 10:24).
We also thank God that we could have a thanksgiving session, followed by a bento-set
dinner. It is the will of God for us to give thanks, and we thank God for the many
opportunities that were afforded to us to praise and bless His name. May the Lord find
Ebenezer faithful, and that we will grow closer to the Lord together as a fellowship
Testimonies from Campers
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to go full-time for this camp and to take a
break from work. I also want to thank God for the messages preached by Preacher
Cornelius. It made me examine my salvation and to see if I’m truly in the faith. It was
a good retreat. Thank God for the brethren who were involved in the planning of the
whole camp as it was definitely a lot of work to plan a physical camp.
Thank God for all the activities that we had (games, BGR workshop, lunch time
bonding activity), which were edifying and for the opportunity to have
fellowship with more youths throughout the camp. They were very kind and
sacrificial to me in many ways, remembering brethren who lent me their jackets
when I was feeling cold.
After this camp, I am more resolved to make every day of my life count for
Christ. These messages made me ask myself these questions: Am I a hypocrite /
self-lover /mammonite /fruitless branch /fisher of men /citizen of heaven /like the
wise virgins? These questions made me examine my walk with God, and
whether I am living my life for Christ by bearing fruit for Him and loving Him
first above all. I learnt to have full reliance and dependence on the True Vine, the
Lord Jesus Christ, and that without Him, we can do nothing. The message on
mammonism also made me rethink on what my real priorities are in life, and
who am I truly worshiping in my heart, God or the world? I am more convicted
to set my priorities right and to seek God and His kingdom first, above all else.
God’s Word is my final and supreme authority in everything I do, because
ultimately, God is our King and we should obey Him above all other authorities.
I also started to have a greater burden for unsaved souls because every soul is
precious. On the last day, the parable of the wise virgins taught me the
importance of being prepared and ready to meet the coming of the Lord. Again,
it helped me to see the brevity of life, so I am determined not to let each and
every day of my life just pass by, but to spend the time God has given me wisely
for the Lord.
– Abigail Yeo
Thank God for the Ebenezer youth camp that just ended. This youth camp is very
refreshing for me, both in terms of the lessons and the daily devotions. I really
thank God for the topic, “Is My Salvation Real?” The many lessons taught me of
how to check if I am truly born again. I also thank God for the reminders from
God’s Word, like the last message on the parable of the 10 virgins. Lastly, I
thank God that I can serve the Lord in both logistics and PA, as it was my first
time doing so. I pray that I will apply the lessons learnt into my daily life and to
do my daily devotion.
– Hector Ng
I would like to thank God that I was able to attend the Ebenezer camp and that I
have learnt a lot from it. I learnt that we should not be too concerned about our
outward appearance as a Christian or to love ourselves more than God. Instead,
we should always be ready to repent of our sins and to put God first. I also learnt
that as a citizen of heaven, I must be sure that my treasure is in heaven and not
in the world. I am challenged to reduce my self-love and to be more loving for
God and others.
– Nathan Lim
Thank God for the conclusion of the youth camp. It is a privilege for us to have
our annual camp, and admittedly we do often take these camps for granted.
Firstly, I thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve in the camp committee. The
Lord is gracious and merciful, for without His help, all efforts would be in vain.
Praise God for His help in our various areas of service. Truly, we are one body in
Christ, and members one of another (Romans 12). Secondly, I thank God for the
many spiritual truths that we have learnt through Preacher Cornelius. It is a very
apt theme, and we must not equate assurance with genuine salvation. Each
message was a reminder for us to make sure of our salvation, that we are truly
part of the universal church, and that we will not be found wanting. With many
of us growing up in church, there is a danger that we falsely assume that we are
saved just by being “born” into church. Lastly, it is an utmost blessing to have
fellowship with like-minded brethren, and I give thanks for each and every
camper. May the Lord convict us of our sins as we reflect on the past camp.
– Daniel Lai
Thank God that I am finally able to attend a physical youth camp and to have the
opportunity to serve in this camp too. Thank God for those who have helped me
with the designing of the camp book. They patiently guided and gave me
feedbacks to improve the camp book. I also thank God that through the camp, I
was able to meet new people and had a blessed time of fellowship with like-
minded brethren. Thank God for the very timely messages which were able to
help me reflect and also taught me to be a better testimony as a Christian student.
The lesson which really struck me was from Message 3, “Am I a fruitless
branch?” This message particularly touched my heart as Preacher Cornelius said
that Christians should not be fruitless. However, I haven’t been actively trying
my best to bear fruit for Christ. Sometimes, I would do works to please myself
instead of doing it for the glory of God. I am truly thankful for all the lessons
learnt throughout the four days of the camp. It is my sincere prayer that I will be
more proactive in bearing fruit for Christ, especially in school, and to not be
afraid to use the gifts which He has given me.
– Hannah Yeow