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2024 Weekly No. 21

THE ROOTS OF CHURCH GROWTH Pr James Tan For a church to grow, there must be a beginning, a starting point where souls are saved as they receive the Gospel […]

2024 Weekly No. 20

THE BIBLICAL DEFINITION OF CHURCH GROWTH Pr James Tan The church can be described in two aspects, the visible and invisible. All genuine and true believers are part of the […]

2024 Weekly No. 19

MRS IVY TOW Matron of the Far Eastern Bible College Mrs Ivy Tow, the matron of the Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC) and wife of the late Rev Timothy Tow, […]

2024 Weekly No. 18

LESSONS LEARNT FROM ACTS OF THE APOSTLES I Testimonies of Students Who Have Taken the Course (Edited) Nothing Can Hinder God’s Work I learned that nothing can hinder God’s Work, […]

2024 Weekly No. 17

FRIEND OR FOE OF THE GODLY? Synopsis of Message Preached at FEBC Mersing Retreat 2024 Text: 1 Samuel 18:1-9 The book of 1 Samuel focuses on the contrast between David […]

2024 Weekly No. 16

The question on “man’s free will” came up during one of the recent questions posed to me by the youth in Ebenezer during the Q&A segment. Considering that we will […]

2024 Weekly No. 15

EASY-BELIEVISM AND REPENTANCE Christendom today faces a massive problem of easy-believism. Many proponents of easy-believism teach that repentance is not essential for salvation. Others on the other hand, define repentance […]

2024 Weekly No. 14

Question and Answer Baptism with the Spirit Question: What is the difference between the “baptism with the spirit” and the “baptism of the spirit”? Baptism with the Spirit The expression […]

2024 Weekly No. 13

Transfer of Membership Testimonies Testimony of Reverend Wee Eng Moh I came from a home of idol-worshippers. At a tender age, I was dedicated as a god-son to the goddess […]

2024 Weekly No. 12B

SUFFER YOURSELF TO BE DEFRAUDED “Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why […]