Testimony of Salvation and
Call to Full-Time Service
By Rini Sulfin Zamasi
Testimony of Salvation
I would like to share my testimony of how God had changed my life and
led me in Him as a servant of God.
I grew up in a Christian family and that was how I knew Christianity as
well as of Jesus Christ and I am grateful for this. However, even though I
have known Jesus Christ since I was a child, it did not mean that I truly
lived for Him or did what the Bible said. I just knew Him cognitively.
Going to church was just a routine every Sunday, I did not truly seek the
Lord. And there were many things I didn’t do according to the Scriptures.
Things which I had done were according to my own understanding and
However, when I was teenager, I began to realize that what I did was not
according to God’s will and Word. I felt guilty about what I did. I sought
the Lord in prayer and asked Him to forgive me of my sins. Praise God
that He gave me the opportunity to repent of my sins and to surrender my
life to Him. His love is indeed so great and I am unworthy to receive of it,
John 10:9-10 records, “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he
shall be saved, and shall go in and find pasture. The thief cometh not,
but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might
have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” This verse has
made me realise that there is no other way or door other than Christ by
which one can be saved. Only Jesus saves, therefore I commit my life to
In 2016, thank God that I made the decision to be baptised in my church. I
confessed my sins before God and promised Him that I will truly live for
Him and to be a good testimony. I was baptized on 15 May 2016 and I am
grateful for the mercies of God in my life. I acknowledge that He sent
Jesus to die on the cross so that I can be saved and I believe that Jesus is
my Savior. Without Christ, I am nothing. May God help and lead me
through His will and to enable me to know His Word. I am committed to
follow Jesus Christ and to live in the truth of God’s Word.
Testimony of Call to Full-Time Service
I thank the Lord that He still loves me and helps me in what I do. Time
went on and it was time for me to decide which college to go to. I
worried about my future because I wasn’t sure of how I could achieve my
dreams as it seemed unattainable. I prayed to God about my future with
the hope of finding a good college. Thank God I was accepted by a Bible
College in Jakarta which gave me the opportunity to learn God’s Word
and to be a teacher in the school. My parents encouraged me to con-
tinue my studies in the Bible College. I sought the Lord and asked Him to
help me to know His will and to lead me in His plan. After a few weeks, I
decided to continue my studies in the Bible College in Jakarta.
Isaiah 41:10 says, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee; yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” This verse gave me
strength and convinced me that God will carry out His promises to His
children and by God’s grace, I went through four years of studies in the
Bible College in Jakarta and completed it in 2021. After which, I returned
to my hometown and served God in my church for one and a half years.
I came to the Far Eastern Bible College to learn more of God’s Word as
well as the right doctrines, so that I can apply it in my life and ministry. I
came to know of FEBC from my brother, Willem, who is currently
studying in FEBC. He shared of how God had helped him day by day as
well as pointers on studying in FEBC. He had also invited me to come to
FEBC to study God’s Word. When he made mention of this, I prayed to
the Lord and asked Him if it was His will. Then after a few weeks, I de-
cided to come to FEBC to study God’s Word.
I thank the Lord that He has given me the opportunity to study in FEBC.
It is a privilege for me to come here as a student of FEBC and after
completing my studies here God willing, I will go back to my hometown
to serve God faithfully. I have committed myself to be a servant of God
and to be ready to suffer while following God. Please pray for me as I
study in FEBC and that I may be a good testimony.
Testimony of Preacher Maritus
God’s Thoughts are not Man’s Thoughts
All praise and thanks to God for His leading in granting me my student
pass. At the start, when I applied to study Master of Theology in FEBC, I
thought that I will surely get my student pass as I had no trouble getting it
when I did my Bachelors and Masters in FEBC. So I thought that since
my wife is a Singaporean, I will stand a higher chance to get my student
pass. I confidently thought that I could get it easily.
However, my thoughts are not God’s thought. As the prophet
Isaiah proclaimed, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are
your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher
than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts
than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9). Indeed, how true God’s Word is.
My ways are not God’s ways and He had a higher plan for me. I ought to
subject and submit myself to God’s way and plan for me.
The journey to apply for the student pass was not very smooth because
my student pass was rejected by ICA. They did not tell me the reason for
the rejection. Even after Dr Jeffrey Khoo tried to appeal for me, it was
still rejected. Rachel and I tried to ask ICA on what we could do and they
gave us some suggestions, so we submitted another appeal. During this
time, I continued to pray and trusted in God that if it is His will for me to
study, then He will open the door. I cannot deny that there were times
when I felt lost and discouraged. But God is good to me. He gave me lov-
ing and caring brothers and sisters in Christ who encouraged and sup-
ported me through their prayer and words of encouragement.
When the time was ripe, God opened the door through an opportunity to
meet the MP of Tampines during the block visit. The day of the MP’s visit
happened during the most perfect time. I managed to speak to the MP,
together with Elder John’s family. The MP was a Christian too and he was
very understanding and wanted to help. So, he told us to go to the “Meet-
the-people” session the next week and they will write out the letter of
appeal there. We did as he told us to and continued to wait for the result
of this third appeal. Finally, Rachel received the email to say that my
student pass has been approved. My heart was filled with thanksgiving to
God when I heard this news. This was something that I could never fully
understand, of how God had shown His help to me through this situation.
One thing which I would like to testify is that God is always good and He
is always ready to hear and help us in times of need. Truly, God’s
thoughts are not man’s thoughts and we only have to trust and obey as He
leads us. All glory be to God.